First, try not to write a typically pompous artist’s statement. (BTW, ZeFrank does that great parody on that issue.) So…
I’m most interested off-beat visual situations that spontaneously occur. I don’t set up shots, I go out and look for them. I loved catching this pristine Japanese girl quietly at tea ceremony with the calloused feet. Visiting junktique stores and seeing all the weird stuff just makes my brain go! Sometimes I feel like grabbing whoever’s near me, shaking them half to death and yelling, “Did you SEE that?” ….So here’s my site…. I’ll make you see it. 😉
I also love recording things that people don’t notice (or take for granted) and making them stop and see. I drive a scooter, it’s made me aware of how much I used to miss being cooped up in a car. Now I take neighborhood roads and back roads and other alternate routes. Enjoying the journey and discovering odd sights feeds my art.
Another thing that catches my eye is how color is being used. I appreciate film makers and photographers, like Pedro Almodóvar and The Archers (Powell & Pressburger), who work color hard, instead of allowing it to be an incidental element. Color is a strong influence on mood and setting with it’s own humor and impact.
I do very little digital adjustment or cropping in my photography. As a reaction to my alternate ego as a graphic designer of print and Web, I am an artist employing fairly traditional in-camera techniques. I enjoy process, but I’m just not interested in faked or heavily manipulated photographic images. Fix it in post? Naw, that’s hack.
I hope you enjoy these pieces and I invite you to inquire into my work, I’ve got a million where these come from. 😀
Feel free to look over my freelance portfolio and resume on Laughing Cat Arts. It’s my day job.
If you would like to chat with me about a photography project or permission to purchase one of my images, please email me at leslie@laughingcatarts.com.